8105 Edgewater Drive, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94621


The Academy has a library where workbooks and subject materials may be purchased. This library also has materials regarding Tarot.

Happy days are here again!

Effective January 1, 1996 tuition = $25 a week for two and a half hours of class instruction by J. Owen Shift.

Day Time
Friday 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Receive an education and not even cook on school nights!

(Most classes have complimentary refreshments)

Students may attend both classes for $5 additional maintanence charge. If a student takes both classes, the tuition is $30 a week.

Saturday and Friday classes always have new material!

No classes are repeated. No two classes are the same. All classes are open-ended, meaning new and advanced may attend.

Fifty-two weeks are one year

A student who attends classes for one year will receive a diploma from the Palmistry Academy of Ancient Wisdom.

Everything improves and
happens for the best

Tuition after one year is $15 a week uncluding both classes. Some students and graduates have been attending classes for several years. Such a deal!

Outside speaking engagements

What you hear will amaze you! J. Owen Swift has international recognition for his research and metaphysical coordinates with Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and the Cabalah. Students will be fluent and expert with the Tarot and Palmistry.

Astrology of the Hand

More information, more paths

Intuitive and psychic methods of excercises are explored in classes. These are visionary exercises allowing students to develop channels for interpreting glyphs and other metaphysical signs that are otherwise unnoticed to the ordinary conscious individual.

The wisdom of the ancients herein explored also includes I-Ching-Tarot revelations using finger prints and numerology coordination.

East-West Wisdom Earnings Potential

Recently, one student received $800 by a major corporation for an evening reading and has more engagements on the horizon. Self development and harmony in professional and intimate relationships are also enhanced.

Some night say, "What intimate relationships?!" The Academy provides methods for students to assist clients and their own situations to best create attraction and reflections of love and respect between individuals and the universe according to ancient and ageless wisdom.

Professional Readers

Many professional readers attend and share in the classes and many outside speakers address the class. The Palmistry Academy is recognized as a high spiritual center by many teachers and professionals.

J. Owen Swift has a radio program from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM on Thursdays on KEST, 1450 A.M. He can be seen on TCI TV's "The Mystic Cross", from 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM on Thursdays, channel 3 Alameda.

Due to popular demand and the advertisement needs of the Academy, the instructor reserves the right to teach only one class per week and/or to cancel a specific class due to Academy needs. No one ever pays for classes unattended.

The Palmistry Academy of Ancient Wisdom
8105 Edgewater Drive, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94621

E-mail: PAAW@postmark.net
Phone: (510) 729-6329

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The Palmistry Academy of Ancient Wisdom.

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